Friday, August 28, 2009

oh em gee.

I think I found something[s] I want for my birthday. Since I cannot order the entire J.Crew fall collection, let me just say that it is simply fantastic. I've never been that huge a fan of J.Crew, but they are seriously stepping up their game. That or I'm "coming of age" as they say and now it's suddenly appealing to me. Let's hope it's the former rather than the latter.

These Rayban sunglasses for J.Crew are everything I've been looking for and oh so much more. I'm over cheap sunglasses that keep falling apart. I think I've bought $100 worth of crappy sunglasses, might as well go for the REAL DEAL that will last a lifetime. [Birthday approaching!]

These cropped cords in "soft ochre" are fall perfection. And the blazer, glasses, loose striped shirt...everything about this outfit...

[via the wonderful i am a greedy girl.]

A couple more things to share:

1. I am newly obsessed with / pathetically crushing on this man:
2. More pictures HERE.
3. My next hobby (joke...but how cool is that?):

Thursday, August 27, 2009

TMOOH Launch!

Brett's new site is up...and it looks amazing!

Seriously, it doesn't get any more inspiring than seeing your friends' dreams become reality. Really makes me think about what it is that I want to make happen in my own life and just what it is that I am willing to take a risk for.

Check it out HERE and tell all your friends.

Some of my faves...
I must get my hands on a giraffe tshirt at some point!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Meet Eddie.

This is Eddie.
Such a great weekend! Rode my new bicycle to Santa Monica with Jackie and Naomi and felt a newfound freedom away from my gas-guzzling vehicle...

...we hit up our local Brentwood farmer's market for some fresh / local produce. Also, I bought an extremely tall $10 orchid. I win.
...Also went to Real Food Daily...
...bought a new coffee pot...
...went to the beach...
...power yoga...

...made some spicy shrimp cocktail (delicious!)...

Good times. Can't wait until Friday. :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wacky Wednesday.

What a great Wednesday!

A picture narration:
Bicycle hunting...[Trek 7000 pictured]

Rendezvous with Naomi at the Green fav lunch spot! The "Mother Trucker" burger? To die for. Simply beyond flavorful.
Emiliana Torrini / Anya Marina tonight @ the Largo with my other two (mouse)keteers.

And last but not least...lolz. Caricature fail.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Things I like.

Things I like for "fall" [because let's be honest, it's still going to be hot]. It's more a state of mind...
A loosely-fitting, comfy blouse that doesn't pop a button every time I must reach for something...

Comfy blazer! Great for the office, great for my life.

Still obsessing over cropped pants [minus those shoes, not a fan.]

And Naomi, you would rock these:
Thanks Gap!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ginger Thoughts.

Being a redhead. A short analysis.

Christina Hendricks.

Kate Walsh.




And so, to summarize...

Arts + Crafts / Paper Cranes

My next craft of choice: learning how to make paper cranes. Jess and I origami-ed growing up and loved it just as much as any girl [or boy] does, but I never learned how to make a paper crane. They're so elegant. And graceful. And I should know how to fold them. Also...Naomi knows how to fold them. Convenient. So, I plan on getting my sage and wise craft-vixen to help me out. I would love to hang them in a corner of my room...

Monday, August 10, 2009

House Bunnies

Animal House - rabbits
Originally uploaded by supercamel
Who knew?
I love the idea that you can train a bunny to live indoors. Bunnies are the best, we had so many growing up and they were such fun/nice pets.

And there are abandoned bunnies all over LA:

Awww. My heart is melting...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Look what I found.

Now you know what team I'm on.
Happy Friday!

Tomato Plant ICU

Look what I did...FAIL!
This is kind of how I feel today. You know, a little deflated and needing a little boost. My poor tomato is making a full recovery however, and I've made a conscious resolution to water it everyday. (And do you see the tiny green tomatoes? Victory!)

But to redeem myself, here is a pic of my macrame-ed and healthy hanging plants. I don't kill everything.
That one on the left, the "burrito" succulent, is AWESOME. If you happen to think that succulents are awesome. I sure do. And my spidey plant is preggers! Sweet.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


You know when you're reading something really funny, and you're laughing out loud even though it's awkward and you shouldn't be? [read Are You There Vodka? It's Me Chelsea and you will truly understand]

Well, I read this POST by the hilariously funny and sardonic writers of 2birds1blog and couldn't help but awkwardly giggle and snort simultaneously at my computer screen[s] for 10 minutes.

Without further ado. 10 points if you accidentally snort.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Food Diary

Such a busy day today at work! I was furiously database-entering all morning, and then suddenly it was 2pm and I was contemplating eating my office plant. But it was Trader Joe's to the rescue! I am now happy and fed while typing this, and my poor plant is still alive. AND I made a discovery! The "Egg White Salad with Chives" from TJ's is life-changing. Not just because I was calorie-deprived. This is good stuff people. I might have to make this myself one weekend.
Mmmmmm, now I simply cannot wait for my next life-changing meal - dinner at Father's Office. While it may not be the most protein / calorie-conscious choice while in the middle of P90X, sometimes you just have to enjoy a good meal out with a good friend.
It really is the simple things. Food being one of them.