Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Short [WO]MAN Syndrome?


I read this article on my fav Slate blog, Human Nature, and, as a person who is even shorter than the woman in the article, I find her arguments as to why she needed such extreme leg stretching surgery extremely thin and weak. Is she that insecure and does she have that much self-loathing that she must let society dictate how tall she should be?

And, as far as being taken seriously - professionally in particular - I too consider this and am quite aware of it as a 5'0" fresh college grad who wishes to prove herself. But, being extremely short encourages you to be that much more conscious of your professionalism, dress, work ethic, attitude, etc. and to ensure that your work is just that much more indicative of your intelligence and competence. Furthermore, your height is an intimate part of your identity if you are short, just as it is if you are extremely tall - while I get irritated when I can't reach the bowl in cupboard or a tall person is bearing down on me by standing too close and making me uncomfortable, my short stature is a integral part of who I am.

This woman did not go get her legs excruciatingly lengthened because the pressures of society were bearing down on her - rather, she does not have an adequate self-image that comes from within herself and her negative self-image alone. Society loves petite women! Look at Reese Witherspoon, the Olsen twins...I know these are actresses and it's different than the professional world but still, petite women are not somehow culturally banned from being successful.

This woman needs to take a good hard look in the mirror and address the fact that her desire to become taller - going to ridiculously extreme lengths to get there - came from within, not from society. Throw on a pair of heels and embrace your own unique person and personality.

Ps. Kitten pics and apartment project photos to come soon!

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